Tuesday 2 October 2012

DSLR Workshops

I've decided to run a few workshops.

This will be an ongoing thing, Probably monthly.

I've got presentations together, practical demos, all of which participants try for themselves, a great little venue with all the necessities and am keen to go....

For the first workshop subject:-

Aims are: -

Ø To provide understanding of the technical aspects of Digital SLR photography through tuition/hands on lessons

Ø To give participants a firm grasp of how camera settings modify the outcome of the shot, and how they can be used to completely control the shot
All groups will be limited to 8 max.

Workshops are half day , probably 10 till 3 with lunch break. (date(s) TBA with group requirements) and will expand with further subject workshops.

So if you are close to Mackay QLD and need a workshop drop me an email or comment here and I'll send details including costs..