Wednesday 18 July 2012

Starting this blog

As with any blog, there has to be a reason, a purpose. So often I see that blogs are dismissed as nothing more than personal vanity or ego. I make no excuses for my purpose here, firstly I believe it is a necessary step in todays climate for business purposes. Secondly it is to self educate, either through my customers or through fellow freelancers and photographers that may comment on like minded issues.

I am new to the photography business in Mackay. I lived here prior but had taken a couple of years out in Brisbane, where I didn't waste my time, choosing to build on my photography by completing a Diploma in Photoimaging and starting full time freelance. Moving back some six months after course completion hasn't been without its challenges, but here I am with a young business trying all the methods at my disposal (including this blog) to step forward.

My intent here is to show some of the actual "hands on" processes to completed jobs and also raise some of the trials and tribulations freelancers face.